Black Lagoon was adapted into a twoseason television anime by Madhouse and aired on Chiba TV for 24 episodes Season one, consisting of 12 episodes, from , to , and season two from , to Black Lagoon Roberta's Blood Trail With Megumi Toyoguchi, Daisuke Namikawa, Michie Tomizawa, Kazue Ikura The 'bloodhound' awakens when her master, and head of the Lovelace family is assassinated Black Lagoon's manga was written and illustrated by Rei Hiroe, and began in Monthly Sunday GeneX magazine in 01The story is set in the 1990s, and follows a group of pirate mercenaries called the Lagoon Company that smuggle goods and contraband in and around Southeast Asia and its surrounding seas The group's principal tool in this smuggling ring is its boat, the Black Lagoon
Best Black Lagoon Episodes Episode Ninja